
The Definition of Movement

an act of changing physical location or position or of having this changed

It’s more important to motivate than to educate. Education is the license to know how to get up and move but one needs a form of motivation to start the process. It is better to work than to sleep but if you don’t know exactly what you’re motivated to do al the education, life lessons, readings, devotions and meditations can not have a place to move with you. You need to move. You can’t lose weight unless you literally move. The mountains in your way from the promised land (the promises of God) aren’t going anywhere unless you get up and move them. You must learn to de-prioritize mountain ranges.

Mountain ranges can be defined as aggressive environments and self-inflicted systems designed to destroy your future from choices to not obey and not generally change the environment. Disobedience is definitely dangerous because it first robs you of your peace and then de-sensitizes you from being able to see first what is around you deeper and then what is in you clearer. Your choice of stagnation becomes well prominent and you begin to self-inflict self destruction. There is life after disobeying. God’s grace is sufficient to set us back in place. But, it is a stumbling block.

You begin to chose to be stagnant. Your choice of stagnation becomes well prominent and you begin to indulge attacks in yourself through making yourself an individual not seeking to live a life lived on purpose in purpose. You put away your goals and you put your right to dream on the back burner through the excuse that ‘someone else needs me and my time and valuable resources to meet their goals and dreams’ and forget that you are YOU for a reason.

Other people will ALWAYS be happy to make good use of your gifts and talents. You can always find a job putting in work for somebody else. But, when you do you are postponing your breakthrough into the next season of your future (when the pour is not where God wants it to be) as well as postponing that other person from searching in themselves for that resource they need God to be through them. You are stopping people from being all they can be for their future-therefore keeping you stab at and them depending on others forever.

How can I build an empire (or help anyone build their empire) if I haven’t built one for myself. How can I mentor anyone with only my resources? Is mentorship not just coaching for the person I’m starting to look like? Is it not discipline and making one accountable for the maximum usage of resources found in themselves? A mentor is a guide. Not a resource.

Your gifts are your resources. And you must search your heart for every hidden gem that can unlock more doors of potential to manifest as permanent personality traits God designed you to have-legally bringing you into a wealthier place. These gems have to be searched for through the power of Holy Spirit because the search can be messy. Messy because it requires you to use your limited amount of resources, time and energy to lift up rubbish and rocks that came from places of destruction. That means you also can’t just reach under dust-like hurt and get to the gems and then leave the dust in its place. You need to clean it up.

The hardest part about reaching your maturity in movement out of stagnation is the choice to heal. If you refuse to heal you are refusing the gems you need to get moving. You are refusing the resources God already placed inside of you to move the mountains in your path to promise. People who refuse healing are people who become co-defendant on stagnant people who feel like they need to make themselves indispensable in people’s lives out of the lenses of their own abandonment. Out of the spirit of abandonment they abandon their own destinies by abandoning healing and momentum for the responsibility of others who are refusing healing as well. Broken people break people. They are always broke and they’re broke because they don’t move. They choose to stay there-in their broken and sunken place.

If you say you love those around you, you have a responsibility to seek healing whole heartedly so that you can be at your maximum level of being able to assist them to building an empire you now have the tools to build because you built one for yourself. Fools don’t ask fools for advice when they don’t want to be fools anymore-they ask the wise who were once fools because now they are not. Jesus came for the lost and blind because he knows where he is and has 100% capability to see. It is your responsibility to heal first so they can be motivated to move in the right direction-unlocking resources they never thought they had at their own fingertips.

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